Core Values
- Keeping Company’s interest above oneself.
- Practicing and promoting ethical business environment.
- Taking effective actions if there is a deviation in behavior or situation.
- Being honest and living within means.
- Making positive contribution towards achievement of SSGC LPG’s vision.
- Striving for continuous improvement.
- Responding effectively to customer needs.
- Taking timely and corrective decisions.
- Building strong relationships across functional areas.
- Working well with all types of people and co-operating with others.
- Soliciting advice, sharing ideas and best practices with all stakeholders.
- Supporting the achievements of Company’s goals.
- Effectively contributing and using people’s various skills and styles.
- Arriving at constructive solutions while maintaining positive working relationships.
- Demonstrating flexibility.
- Displaying openness and consistency in applying policies and procedures.
- Following regulations in all aspects of operations and processes.
- Coming up with new ideas.
- Encouraging innovation.
- Promoting modified approaches.
- Converting ideas into actions.
Responsibility to Stakeholders
- Staying abreast of changing environment that impacts our business i.e. markets, competitors, technology, customers, suppliers, employees and regulators.
- Creating solutions to help colleagues and team members to improve their skills and performance.
- Ensuring optimum utilization of resources.
- Balancing short and long term priorities to maximize on results.
- Ensuring compliance of law.